
More Milestones! Again!

Today was a big day for us here at entwined.  Today is the first time we appeared on the iTunes "New & Noteworthy" section under Society & Culture.  We have goals, and it feels pretty darn good to reach one of them so early. 

There are a lot of shows that find a home in this section and we are so pleased to be included.  In the image below you can see us on the right, highlighted in yellow.  Every time you subscribe, rate, and review the show you help us move closer to the top and who knows, maybe someday onto the top shows section.  Thank you!

5 Star Review!

Today was a HUGE day for us here at entwined podcast because we reached a significant milestone.

Today we received our first review from someone who hosts a podcast from a similar category to entwined in iTunes.  This review comes from one of the creators of History Goes Bump.  We are grateful for the feedback and look forward to getting out another episode in just over one week.  History Goes Bump is a great podcast and you can click the image to the left to give it a listen.  

CLXV - Significant Milestone!

This morning we reached 165 subscribers to the entwined podcast feed!!! That would be CLXV for those stubborn listeners out there still using Roman Numerals. Thank you so much for your support. We have a lot of great ideas for future shows and are excited to get to work creating interesting and entertaining content. Please remember to subscribe & rate to the show where ever you get your podcasts [iTunes, Stitcher, Pocket Casts, TuneIn Radio, Google Play.]